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Outlook Express

Configuring Outlook Express Step 1

Launch Outlook Express and select Accounts from the Tools menu.

Step 2

Click on the Add button on the right and select Mail...

Step 3

Enter your real name in the Display name field. Click Next.

Step 4

Enter the Email address given to you by OWT. If you are not using your company or organization domain this will be similar to username@owt.com Click Next.

Step 5

For the incoming or POP3 server enter: pop3.owt.com For the outgoing or SMTP server enter: smtp.owt.com Click Next.

Step 6

For the Account name enter ONLY the username given to you by OWT. Enter your password as given to you by OWT - case is important! You will typically want to check "Remember Password" so you don't have to enter it each time but that is up to you. Make sure Logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) is NOT checked. Click Next.

Step 7

Step 8

Now you need to edit the setup to make one change. This is also how you would make any needed changes in the future. Click on the account you need to edit and click on Properties.

Step 9

Now click on the Servers tab at the top and check My Server Requires Authentication near the bottom of the screen. Unless this setting was previously set you should need to click on the Settings button but if you do it should be set to use the same username/password as for incoming mail. Click OK and your Email is ready to go!