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Wi-Fi Access

Benton PUD Wi-Fi Customers

If you are using the Benton PUD Wi-Fi network you will have been given a username and password by OWT.  When looking for available access points they will all labeled similarly with Benton PUD as a part of the access point name. 

If you have connected to the Wi-Fi network recently (logged into the web-based PUD login screen) and you need to login via a different computer and you do not have a common router shared by those two computers you will need to force the system to re-authenticate you. To do this go to the following address in your web browser. Just type in as a web address (URL) and the system will forget your previous connection and allow you to login normally again.

OWT Wi-Fi Customers

If you are using the OWT Wi-Fi network you will have a dedicated radio link connection to a closed access point.  OWT will provide you with an access point name and either a WEP key or a password.  You will also have a fixed IP address that must be programmed for your access.  Please contact technical support for assistance as this is more complex than a normal roaming connection.