Chat with your friends on AIM, Facebook and Google Talk. Plus, get feeds and notifications from your favorite social networks and email right in AIM.
Ad-Blocking/Media Blocking | Chat/Video Conferencing | Email Clients | File Synchronization | File Transfer (FTP) Clients |
News/RSS | Parental Control | Virus/Security Software | Web Browsers | Web Design |
Skype allows you to talk to friends, family and co-workers across the Internet without the inconvenience of long distance telephone charges. Using peer-to-peer data transmission technology, Skype eliminates the central server as a middle manager.
Adium is a fast and free instant messaging client which supports AIM, ICQ, Jabber, MSN, Yahoo!, Google Talk, Yahoo! Japan, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, SIP/SIMPLE (Text), and Lotus Sametime. Adium supports beautiful WebKit message display, tabbed messaging, encrypted chat, file transfer, and more. MacOS X only.